Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment is one of the key goals of The Ilahi Foundation of Canada. We have been working hard to provide a platform to women in the underprivileged areas of Pakistan where they can learn, grow, and become financially independent and hence support their families and improve the quality of their lives. 

It all starts with providing education to these women. 

Why Do We Do This?

The Economic Survey 2020-21 has revealed that the literacy rate in Pakistan remains stagnant at 60 per cent (Source: Reuters). The female literacy rate stands at 47 percent. (Source: The News, Nov 2020). These numbers are believed to be even lower in reality. A lot of females are either not allowed to attend school and sometimes it is the poor financial condition of families which makes education a dream for these girls. 


How Do We Empower Women?

Our mission is to establish such a system that takes care of the financial needs of a family and simultaneously provides opportunities for Islamic and regular education for girls with the core motive to empower them in the long run. Since 2020, with the help of our generous donors and supporters we have been able to renovate and maintain the infrastructure of Ilahi Mominaat Centre in Karachi and Lahore, Pakistan. Currently, we are successfully running the following programs:

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Sewing and Tailoring Courses

To provide the financially struggling women an opportunity to run a successful business from the comfort of their home and to flourish the small and medium sized businesses in Pakistan, we run sewing and tailoring courses for women. These courses provide them the skills and abilities to become financially independent and secure and hence boost their confidence and self esteem.

Tutoring Services

We provide Free of Cost tutoring services to young girls who attend school but need additional help for excelling in their education and careers.

Shelter and Aid Services

We run a S​​pecial Aid project for women who have lost their bread earners and have no other source of income. With the help of your donations, they are able to sustain their monthly expenses like rent and groceries. We also provide financial aid for underprivileged families to cover their daughter’s marriage expenses.


Unfortunately, a huge number of women and girls in Pakistan still face a bunch of serious issues like gender inequality, rape, honour killing, acid attacks, forced marriages, child marriages and domestic violence. Their survival in such circumstances becomes extremely challenging. We realized the need for providing counseling services to these struggling souls to help them come out of trauma and handle their situation more effectively. From educational to financial to spiritual, we counsel, support and motivate them in coming back to life.

Computer Education

In this age of technology, you will be surprised to know that there still exists a big chunk of people who have zero exposure to computers. We cannot imagine life without technology. Therefore, we are imparting computer knowledge to young girls so that they can learn and benefit from the technological advancements in their everyday lives.

Quran Academy

Ilahi Mominaat Centre is running a Quran Academy in the underdeveloped areas of Karachi, Pakistan. This program is for girls between the ages of 5-20 years. The students are imparted knowledge of Quranic Tajweed and Islamic education. Approximately 50 girls are attending the Quran Academy at the moment.